Sunday, August 23Yesterday afternoon Mom sent me a text asking how I was doing.Sep 15, 2020Sep 15, 2020
Wednesday, August 12I didn’t know what to think, other than it felt like a dream.Aug 28, 2020Aug 28, 2020
Tuesday, August 11I am writing this on Charlie’s clipboard. I know this because the other man named Joe, who is extraordinarily fat, leans over and says …Aug 23, 2020Aug 23, 2020
Wednesday, August 12A young woman enters my room early this morning to draw labs.Aug 19, 2020Aug 19, 2020
June 23, 2016The bathroom is about the size of a closet. I’m standing in a very awkward wide stance, straddling the toilet, …Jul 26, 2020Jul 26, 2020
So DifficileThis time the photograph is of a butterfly. Large, heart-shaped wings spread from one border to another, yellow at the center …Mar 10, 2020Mar 10, 2020